What Are Anions?
Negative Ions are substance known as the “Vitamins of the Air”.
Negative ions are odourless, tasteless molecules that are breathed into our respiratory system. High concentration of negative ions can be found in nature, in mountain forests, waterfalls and beaches where people feel energised and invigorated, which helps relieve stress, alleviate depression, boost energy.
They’re electrically charged atoms, carrying either a positive or negative charge. Anions or negative ions are required to sustain life. They have strong absorption capabilities to absorb micro particles in the air to remove dust and bacteria. Anions in the air are as important as vitamins in the food and are given such nice names beside the one above as “longevity element” and “air scavenger”. When humans lack acess to negative ions, body chemisty changes – changes that lead to bouts of depression, physical fatigue and anxiety.
The intensity of negative ion (anion) released will effectively suppress the survival and multiplication of bacterial and viruses.
The anions present in the air possess electrodes which easily attached to the surface of bacteria or viruses. This process will produce low electric currents that eliminate them and suppresses further multiplication, thus achieving the effects of eradicating bacteria and sterilization.
Negative ions are odourless, tasteless molecules that are breathed into our respiratory system. High concentration of negative ions can be found in nature, in mountain forests, waterfalls and beaches where people feel energised and invigorated, which helps relieve stress, alleviate depression, boost energy.
They’re electrically charged atoms, carrying either a positive or negative charge. Anions or negative ions are required to sustain life. They have strong absorption capabilities to absorb micro particles in the air to remove dust and bacteria. Anions in the air are as important as vitamins in the food and are given such nice names beside the one above as “longevity element” and “air scavenger”. When humans lack acess to negative ions, body chemisty changes – changes that lead to bouts of depression, physical fatigue and anxiety.
The intensity of negative ion (anion) released will effectively suppress the survival and multiplication of bacterial and viruses.
The anions present in the air possess electrodes which easily attached to the surface of bacteria or viruses. This process will produce low electric currents that eliminate them and suppresses further multiplication, thus achieving the effects of eradicating bacteria and sterilization.
Benefits of Anion
According to Pierce J. Howard, PhD, it increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, resulting in higher alertness and more mental energy. They also may protect against germs in the air, resulting in decreased irritation due to inhaling various particles that make you sneeze, cough, or have a throat irritation.
Have you experienced feeling instantly refreshed the moment you open a window and breathe fresh air. You feel sleepy in an airconditioned vehicle but feel immediately awake and invigorated when you roll down the car window or stepped out of the car. Howard says, “Air conditioning depletes the atmosphere of negative ions, but an ion generator re-releases the ions that air conditioners remove”.
Have you experienced feeling instantly refreshed the moment you open a window and breathe fresh air. You feel sleepy in an airconditioned vehicle but feel immediately awake and invigorated when you roll down the car window or stepped out of the car. Howard says, “Air conditioning depletes the atmosphere of negative ions, but an ion generator re-releases the ions that air conditioners remove”.
Help prevent respiratory-related illnesses
In a study conducted in a Swiss textile mill, negative ionisers were placed in two, 60′ x 60′ rooms each containing 22 employees. In Room 1, the negative ion electronic air cleaner was turned on during the course of study. In Room 2, the negative ion air purifier was permanently turned off, although the employees in this room were led to believe they were working in a room enriched with negative ions.
During this 6 month study, a total of 22 sick days were lost by employees working in Room 1. While in Room 2, a total of 64 days were lost to sickness. During a month-long flu epidemic, the employees at Room 1 lost a total of 3 days to sickness, while the employees in Room 2 lost a total of 40 days in sickness. (Stark,1971)
During this 6 month study, a total of 22 sick days were lost by employees working in Room 1. While in Room 2, a total of 64 days were lost to sickness. During a month-long flu epidemic, the employees at Room 1 lost a total of 3 days to sickness, while the employees in Room 2 lost a total of 40 days in sickness. (Stark,1971)
Counteracts the effects of smoking
High levels of negative ions neutralize the effect that tobacco smoke has on the cilia. Cilia are microscopic hairs located in the trachea that move rapidly back and forth to prevent pollutants and toxins from travelling into the vulnerable areas of the respiratory tract. The faster the cilia moves, the more eefective they are. However, tobacco smoke slows down the ciliary beat, diminishing the body’s ability to keep cancer-causing pollutants from entering the depths of the respiratory tract. Tests have shown though, that adding high levels of negative ions to the air accelerates the ciliary beat to normal levels.(Soyka,1991)
Are natural anti-depressants
Negative ions are natural anti-depressants…… without the side effects!
In a study conducted by Columbian University, 25 people with SAD (Seasonal Affective Depression) sat in front of a negative ion air purifier for a half hour every morning for a month. Half the subjects were given a low level of negative ions, and the other half a high level. The higher level of negative ion treatment proved to be as effective against SAD as anti-depressants, such as Prozac and Zolof, and without the side effects of these drugs. (Finley, 1996)
In a study conducted by Columbian University, 25 people with SAD (Seasonal Affective Depression) sat in front of a negative ion air purifier for a half hour every morning for a month. Half the subjects were given a low level of negative ions, and the other half a high level. The higher level of negative ion treatment proved to be as effective against SAD as anti-depressants, such as Prozac and Zolof, and without the side effects of these drugs. (Finley, 1996)
Benefits of negative ions to vital organs
Anion in air is like vitamin in food, greatly benefits people’s health and everyday routine, therefore it is also being referred to as vitamin in air, which can facilitate body groth and disease prevention, the benefits are different to different organs :
To respiratory system : improves lung function. 30 minutes after anion intake, the lung is able to inhale 20% more oxygen and exhale 14.5% more carbon dioxide.
To cardiovascular system : significantly reduces blood pressure, improves cardiac muscle function and nutrition, facilitates the dilation of capillary vessel and the rise of skin temperature.
To nervous system : energises whole body, improves sleep quality, eases pain and tension.
To metabolism : activates different enzymes in body, reduces blood sugar leel, cholesterol, increases blood calcium, urine amount, increases the amount of nitrogen and creatinine in urine, accelerates bone growth, prevents scurvy, rachitis, vitamin insufficiency.
To blood : increases the number of white and red blood cells, hemoglobin, reticulocyte, blod platelets, globin, heightens PH reading shortens blood forming time.
To immune system : improves reflex system and endothelial system, enhances body’s anti-disease ability.
To respiratory system : improves lung function. 30 minutes after anion intake, the lung is able to inhale 20% more oxygen and exhale 14.5% more carbon dioxide.
To cardiovascular system : significantly reduces blood pressure, improves cardiac muscle function and nutrition, facilitates the dilation of capillary vessel and the rise of skin temperature.
To nervous system : energises whole body, improves sleep quality, eases pain and tension.
To metabolism : activates different enzymes in body, reduces blood sugar leel, cholesterol, increases blood calcium, urine amount, increases the amount of nitrogen and creatinine in urine, accelerates bone growth, prevents scurvy, rachitis, vitamin insufficiency.
To blood : increases the number of white and red blood cells, hemoglobin, reticulocyte, blod platelets, globin, heightens PH reading shortens blood forming time.
To immune system : improves reflex system and endothelial system, enhances body’s anti-disease ability.
For the last seven years active military and government agency operations conducted in the atmosphere above the United States have changed emphisis from one project to another.
We observe Nikola Tesla concepts applied in military combat in the atmosphere above North America and the majority of citizens are completely oblivious to that reality. Here we will talk of weather control and health issues. April 3, 2006, we observe the manifiestation of "scalar-wave" transmitters outside the United States waging a full fledged war against 300,000,000 United States citizens in their homeland and the majority of citizens are oblivious to that sobering reality. One aspect, we observe a military effort from outside the United States effecting the balance of positive / negative ions on manipulated weather fronts sweeping across the United States. We observe U.S. Military and agencies radiating the atmosphere and aerosols sprayed from U.S. aircraft on weather fronts in an attempt to replenish negative ions to prevent respiratory and other illness in humans. "Radar rings" can be observed on computer weather maps flashing on and off. We believe they are attempting to off-set and generate negative ions in the atmosphere.Nikola Tesla experimented with electromagnetic flux and studied the earth's gravitational field. During his research he discovered that the ionization of the atmosphere would alter when it was charged by radio wave transmissions in the low frequency range of 10 to 80 hertz. Tesla also discovered that he could cause both positive and negative ionization of the atmosphere by manipulating the radio frequency. Further studies indicated that with positive ionization, people and animals became tired and lethargic and with negative ionization the effect was one of feeling active and energetic. It can be manipulated.
Ions are floating in the air around us all of the time and have either negative or positive charged on them. Changes in their concentrations or in the ratio of positively to negatively charged molecules can have remarkable effects on plants and animals. It is known in science that ion depletion is the source of a wide range of human health problems, both mental and physical.
These air ions are important to you because if they have a high proportion of negative ions in the clusters you will feel lively, uplifted and enthusiastic. Too many positive ions in the clusters will have you feeling depressed, lethargic and full of aches, pains and complaints.
It is estimated that there are normally 1,500 to 4,000 ions per cubic centimeter. Negative ions are exceedingly mobile and the Earth's surface has a negative charge; therefore, negative ions are repelled from the Earth. This repulsion creates a normal ratio of positive to negative ions in the range of twelve to ten. Normally, more positive than negative ions exist.
Positive ions or the lack of negative ions may cause serotonin hyperfunction syndrome or "irritation syndrome" involves sleeplessness, irritability, tension, migraine, nausea, heart palpitations, hot flashes with sweating or chills, tremor and dizziness. The elderly become depressed, apathetic and extremely fatigued.
Human mood disorders (depressions) are effectively treated with drugs which specifically block the re-uptake of serotonin into the presynaptic axon terminal, for example fluoxetine (Prozac) and Zoloft. This suggests that positive ions may play a part in this condition and the condition may be safely treated with negative ion therapy.
Neg. Ions Pos. Ions Total
Clear Mountain Air 2000 2,500 4,500
Normal Land Air 1,500 1,800 3,300
Before a Storm 750 2,500 3,250
After a Storm 2,500 750 3,250
Typical modern office 150 200 350
Closed moving vehicle 50 150 200
Just as good benefits are provided by immersing yourself in negative ions, bad effects come from breathing air with high density positive ions. As indicated in the table above, before a storm the positive ion concentration becomes more than three times the amount of negative ions. If the barometer is falling in anticipation of a storm, brace yourself. Adults, children, and animals alike react testily to such bad weather, for ahead is the kind of day that may leave you most prone to illness or accident, stupid mistakes, and irrational blowing off steam. Positive ions are responsible. The full moon increases positive ion ratios, which accounts for the strange and aggressive behavior noted by police and medical services. Studies show that 75% of the population is noticeably and adversely affected by positive ion ratios, while increased negative ions tend to have a calming influence on these same people
We observe Nikola Tesla concepts applied in military combat in the atmosphere above North America and the majority of citizens are completely oblivious to that reality. Here we will talk of weather control and health issues. April 3, 2006, we observe the manifiestation of "scalar-wave" transmitters outside the United States waging a full fledged war against 300,000,000 United States citizens in their homeland and the majority of citizens are oblivious to that sobering reality. One aspect, we observe a military effort from outside the United States effecting the balance of positive / negative ions on manipulated weather fronts sweeping across the United States. We observe U.S. Military and agencies radiating the atmosphere and aerosols sprayed from U.S. aircraft on weather fronts in an attempt to replenish negative ions to prevent respiratory and other illness in humans. "Radar rings" can be observed on computer weather maps flashing on and off. We believe they are attempting to off-set and generate negative ions in the atmosphere.Nikola Tesla experimented with electromagnetic flux and studied the earth's gravitational field. During his research he discovered that the ionization of the atmosphere would alter when it was charged by radio wave transmissions in the low frequency range of 10 to 80 hertz. Tesla also discovered that he could cause both positive and negative ionization of the atmosphere by manipulating the radio frequency. Further studies indicated that with positive ionization, people and animals became tired and lethargic and with negative ionization the effect was one of feeling active and energetic. It can be manipulated.
Ions are floating in the air around us all of the time and have either negative or positive charged on them. Changes in their concentrations or in the ratio of positively to negatively charged molecules can have remarkable effects on plants and animals. It is known in science that ion depletion is the source of a wide range of human health problems, both mental and physical.
These air ions are important to you because if they have a high proportion of negative ions in the clusters you will feel lively, uplifted and enthusiastic. Too many positive ions in the clusters will have you feeling depressed, lethargic and full of aches, pains and complaints.
It is estimated that there are normally 1,500 to 4,000 ions per cubic centimeter. Negative ions are exceedingly mobile and the Earth's surface has a negative charge; therefore, negative ions are repelled from the Earth. This repulsion creates a normal ratio of positive to negative ions in the range of twelve to ten. Normally, more positive than negative ions exist.
Positive ions or the lack of negative ions may cause serotonin hyperfunction syndrome or "irritation syndrome" involves sleeplessness, irritability, tension, migraine, nausea, heart palpitations, hot flashes with sweating or chills, tremor and dizziness. The elderly become depressed, apathetic and extremely fatigued.
Human mood disorders (depressions) are effectively treated with drugs which specifically block the re-uptake of serotonin into the presynaptic axon terminal, for example fluoxetine (Prozac) and Zoloft. This suggests that positive ions may play a part in this condition and the condition may be safely treated with negative ion therapy.
Neg. Ions Pos. Ions Total
Clear Mountain Air 2000 2,500 4,500
Normal Land Air 1,500 1,800 3,300
Before a Storm 750 2,500 3,250
After a Storm 2,500 750 3,250
Typical modern office 150 200 350
Closed moving vehicle 50 150 200
Just as good benefits are provided by immersing yourself in negative ions, bad effects come from breathing air with high density positive ions. As indicated in the table above, before a storm the positive ion concentration becomes more than three times the amount of negative ions. If the barometer is falling in anticipation of a storm, brace yourself. Adults, children, and animals alike react testily to such bad weather, for ahead is the kind of day that may leave you most prone to illness or accident, stupid mistakes, and irrational blowing off steam. Positive ions are responsible. The full moon increases positive ion ratios, which accounts for the strange and aggressive behavior noted by police and medical services. Studies show that 75% of the population is noticeably and adversely affected by positive ion ratios, while increased negative ions tend to have a calming influence on these same people